Friday, January 15, 2010

Thoughts on Miscommunication

I have about 5 minutes before my lunch break is over but I want to say something (I know, I ALWAYS want to say something).

Miscommunication is a funny thing.  At best, it provides some good laughter.  At worst, it parts even the closest of lovers.  Now, I personally am a communication ADDICT but even in my articulate manner, I come across misunderstood.  And I....misunderstand.  This is the thing:  it's not just the words or mannerisms that are arrowing to the others cerebral understanding.  It's the PERCEPTION.  It's the FILTERS we all have....from past relationships, from childhood disappointments, from social upbringing, from our own chemistry....these things can be the death of good communication...UNLESS...we recognize it about ourselves.  We may say one thing to someone on the phone, but they don't know where we are or if anyone is around, etc. And because they don't know the BIG PICTURE, all kinds of assumptions can be had.  Not all of them very pleasant. And by the time, we actually get to explain to the person what was happening, their emotions have already concocting a whole 'nother scenario.

I know.  This happened to me yesterday.   And it's killing me. 
Dangit. I have to go back to work.  Will continue this later.

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