Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have a dream...

....of one day, being able to blog again and get all of these thoughts out of my head (some serious, some silly.... a lot random. lol). Too many thoughts, ideas, dreams, details, etc. go through my brain. I actually compose blog posts in my mind but rarely get a chance to get them down. Now the voices (thoughts) in my head are starting to talk to EACH OTHER. I think they've got a conspiracy going on, but I'm not sure. You know, I've heard it said that women have a large daily word quota compared to the average male and I got to thinking... I think God gave me somebody else's supply, in addition to my own. Cuz some days, I annoy my OWN self with all the words in my head. Now I know where my kids get it from (stop chuckling, Granny! I can hear you all the way down here. lol).

Oh my, it's time for bed. I'm starting to sound a little loony...... okay, okay, I admit it... I AM a little loony. lol Some days, more than others. But I'm comfortable with my quirky little self, so it's all copacetic. :-)

Peace out. :-) So sleepy tired or "swee-peapy" as we say around here. :-)

1 comment:

Angie said...

What cracks me up is when your thoughts talk to my thoughts. . . even when we don't realize it.