Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lotsa Sheer Randomness....

.....cuz that's how I roll. :-) Like the bumper sticker I saw, says (saw says?):
"I'm not random. I just have many thoughts." Also, there's the 'interruption factor'.... barely a cerebral thought goes through my head without being interrupted by one of my sweet cherubs... or someone at the door... or the phone ringing. I'm thankful that I am so 'loved' but *DANG*... is there such a thing as being loved too much? lol Well.... I think not. When I consider the alternative..... well... in-ter-rupt A-WAY. Thinking is overrated anyways, don't ya think? lol

Okay, so let the randomness begin! lol Picture this: the Easter Bunny is drunk... he goes stumbling through my living room, tripping over toys, shoes, furniture... falls down and his stash flies every which-a-way..... that's what it looks like happened in my living room right now. :-)..... plastic egg halves, assorted candy and small trinkets, Easter basket grass, candy wrappers.... everywhere. We went to the Easter Egg-stravaganza at the Rec Park in our community and those kids cleaned UP! So much fun! I'll write the details on the kids' blog but here's one of the pictures.

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