Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Going Back Into the Archives

I was going back into my blog archives to this time last year to see what differences have transpired (lots! and I'm sooo glad it's over) and came across this post. That was back when I was "walking the line" (me & Johnny Cash).... you know, that fine line between sanity & insanity... where you have to laugh whenever you can so that you don't cry so hard that you can't come up for air.

I cracked my OWN self up reading it, especially since the sentiment is still the same today. Oh yeah, Josiah has become 'friends' with (& is taking to the prom) a young lady who collects super hero stuff, ESPECIALLY Super Girl. Just like I'm all about Wonder Woman.... she's all about Super Girl.... Things that make you go, "hmmmm". :-)

Wonder Woman my A$$

3/11/2008 10:34:00 AM
Where do Super Heroes go for R&R??? And where the hell is Super Girl??? Don't I get a side kick or something? I'm so tired of being Wonder Woman. It's an exhausting, often thankless job. I think my daughter used my gold bracelets to play dress ups because I can't find them & I'm taking bullets left and right. My tiara is all whacked out which is making my hair look a nasty mess. And I just can't function right if my 'do ain't good. And I'm getting some chafing from these damn "knee-high panty hose". I guess it's time to get rid of petite size and move up to queen. And I'm not sleeping, I tell ya, what with needing to keep the world safe from bad guys and all and rescue small children and puppies, etc. Not to mention.....have you ever tried sleeping in a strapless leotard that hikes your boobs up to your neck?? I lay down to sleep and my boobs are all up in my face. I'm afraid I'm going to suffocate. You know, you can smash it all in in a cute, tight body shaper but it's got to pop out somewhere. Either you get ginormous thighs or boobs in your neck.

And this juggling?!? Geez. I don't remember juggling being in the WW job description. Juggling finances and schedules and chores and car maintenance and quality time with each of my 57 kids plus assorted family and friends, theirs and mine, plus a dog. Sure, I can kick some serious butt in these killer red boots but have you ever tried running in them, chasing a run-away dog who thinks you're playing a game of tag with him (and you could swear he's laughing at you)??

Yeah, Wonder Woman might look hot but she is freakin exhausted. At night, she wants to pass out on the sofa after a nice glass of wine or 4 but instead reads stories to her babies and tucks them in with a kiss and a hug and a prayer. That is, after she checks for hidden monsters and supervises bath time and homework or catches up with her teen whom she only has in her charge for 2 more years.

Yup, it's a tough job being Wonder Woman but someone has to do it. I do it gladly because, even though there is no monetary compensation or a partner and it's a 24/7 job, the reward of healthy, confident, talented, loving, smart, compassionate children makes it all worthwhile. They make me laugh and smile and give me the warm fuzzies with their random hugs and whispers of "Mommy, I love you". I have them and for that, I am eternally grateful.

(But seriously, has anyone seen my gold bracelets? I could really use them.)

1 comment:

Angie said...

I remember this post. I remember identifying with it.

And I remember why we call you Wonder Woman.

Love you!!!