Monday, March 02, 2009

Crisis Averted

**shoo** Came up with a plan (Stan) :-)..... took back control of the day and my Wonder Woman tiara is firmly back in place (although there ARE a few more gray hairs than before lol).

It was just that too much doodoo hit the fan at the butt crack of dawn and I was pooped out. Haha!! I just noticed all the references to poop in that sentence. lol

Now for a more peaceful, stress free (somewhat) day at home. I am so proud of myself for bouncing back so quickly.... and I didn't even break ANY thing OR cuss at any of my cherubs! I must be grown, now :-)

Oh by the way, Aidan's eczema/psoriasis had turned into cellulitis. Angela took him to the doctor while I was at work the other day. What a great doctor! He pinpointed cause and cure right away. Prescribed the RIGHT things this time. I've taken him in several times and they haven't given the right combination of things. This time, in addition to an antiobiotic, he was given prednilosone, and hydrocortisone for his face and triamocol... something... for his knees and wrist. Before they had me putting the triam-something on his face, too. But this doctor said that was too strong. Within 24 hours of this treatment, his face was amazingly clearing up... like BIG TIME. Now 2-1/2 days later, I can feel his REAL baby-soft skin on his cheeks for the first time since he was just a few months old. I wanted to cry. There's still dry patches around but they are steadily clearing up. He just looks like he has rosy cheeks now. :-) His knees are going to take a little longer because there are several layers of damaged skin on them. But even they look better.

Here's BEFORE & then LESS THAN 24 HOURS LATER. God is so good.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Hey girlie poo -- so to speak! :)

I fixed the link on my blog. Thanks for putting this on FB.

I'm praying for you -- constantly.