Saturday, May 29, 2010

Miss me? lol

Been trying to spend less time online because it distracts me from ..... LIFE. lol  Not to mention that half the time (okay, MOST of the time), I'm too tired to form a thought.   Plus,  I've been trying to hear from God .... man, I need direction..... AND intervention..... AND interception.... 

And where are all these MEN coming from?  Out of the woodwork?   Went to church on Wednesday night and one of the things the pastor said almost made me laugh out loud (if Angela was sitting next to me, it would've been all over.... we would've taken one look at each other and busted out laughing!).  He said, "Though an ARMY encamp around me, I will not be afraid"   I was dying inside with laughter, because, well, I work in a hotel full of SOLDIERS! 

But I'm not afraid of THEM.... I'm afraid of ME... or rather, of my FLESH.  "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak".  I'm still too susceptible to wrong relationships and attachment and I have to be so careful.  And of course, the devil knows this. lol  I'm sure he's going, "hm... let me throw this G.I. Joe at her and see if she buckles under the flattery".... And you know what?   I do.  Too often.  Thank God for my recovery group.  Six months now.  I'm working on it.  Or rather... GOD is working on ME. 

"There is hope for the helpless, rest for the weary and love for the broken heart.  There is grace and forgiveness, mercy and healing.  He'll meet you wherever you are.  Cry out to Jesus."  (Third Day)

1 comment:

Angie said...

Love that song. . . it means so much to me, too!!