Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Climbing Tree

And just like that.....he's out of my heart.  :-)  I grieved for a couple of days and then that was it.  He crossed a major line of respect and that, my friends, was THAT.  :-) So, no more about him. It was nice while it lasted and I learned a lot about myself.  I don't regret the time at all. But God had a purpose, for a season, and that season is, Ima movin' on!  :-)(oh yeah ....I'm talking about the "temp bf", not the "baby daddy" .....will take awhile longer for him to be out of my heart long as I have our babies to hug ......I won't forget the love that went into making them)

So, I can see that I desperately need to do a recap.  It's been too long since I blogged. It's hard for me to focus or concentrate on anything requiring "cerebrability" (cerebral ability for you newcomers. lol) Seems I zone out way too much when things get quiet. lol 
Okay, first..... It's SPRING!  I love Spring.  I hate pollen. So I have a love/hate relationship with Spring but with a little Zyrtec, the love side wins out. :-) If only it had been that easy with the "baby daddy" and the love/hate relationship that was our marriage. *sigh* 

We have these beautiful blossoms on the "climbing tree" in the backyard.... so named because the kids climb up into it when they need to "get away".  They even put a tarp through the branches so they can go there when it rains. lol But I drew the line at putting their Little Tikes chairs up there.  They tried.  I even caught Liam one day trying to put the Fisher Price picnic table up there. I kid you not. He was standing on the trampoline, pushing the table up the tree. lol  Anyway, this tree is in full bloom right now with white blossoms.  It's smells like fish....stinky fish, not fish with a nice gold coating of batter and some Old Bay Seasoning.  I was cleaning up the yard yesterday and walked over there to pick up some trash, EXPECTING a beautiful fragrance.  Instead.....FISH.  YUK!!  

The moral of the story, neighbors, is....just cuz it's purty, don't mean it's gonna smell good. Pastor said in his sermon today, the devil will tempt you with lusts of the flesh, but he doesn't ever tell you about any consequences. So my thought is that....he won't ever tell you that those pretty blossoms that you cut, bring into your house and put in a vase ...are gonna STINK up the place like a hot mess. And you can spray all the Febreze you want....but the stink will come back.....until you get those dang things OUT OF your house, get out a bucket, some hot water and some lysol, and CLEAN out the house, getting rid of the residue of the stench. And just because the branches of that tree look strong and sturdy, like a good place of refuge, you really don't want to climb up there with your Little Tikes chair & your tarp for shelter.  The branches are solid at the bottom, but the higher up you go, the thinner and weaker they get.....yeah, and there's still the stench factor. And it's probable that the more you squeeze through those branches, that the more the stench of the blossoms will rub off on you.

But let me tell you something.....JESUS..... is an unending sweet fragrance .....a strong tower.... a place of refuge...... an ever-present help in trouble..... a shelter in a storm... :-)  A tree of life that never fails or "stinks"....Who's never weak or misleading.  He's the real deal, y'all.  The REAL DEAL.  Everything you need.... He's got it covered.  Anything you've done..... no shocker to Him.  Whatever you fear.... he's already conquered it.  He won't "cheat" on you.  He won't leave you helpless.  He won't call you names.  He won't break your heart ..... He may ALLOW your heart to be broken but ONLY so HE can FIX IT RIGHT.  He's the Chief Cardiologist.  "He'll take your heart of stone and give you a new heart of flesh"

In light of Spring, I found this layout I did when we lived in our old house (my all-time favorite house) on Post.  Thought I'd share it with y'all.  Enjoy Spring!  But stay away from the stinky trees!  lol

1 comment:

Angie said...

Hee hee hee. . . we had one of those stinky bushes in front of our old house. I was NOT disappointed on the beautiful day when we got rid of it.
